A revolutionary new comer spreading musical “Japandemic” for which there’s no vaccine!
Influenced by music-loving mother, DAISUKE DTX grew up listening to and loving “cool and trendy” music from the 80s and 90s. After a successful stunt at the leading advertising agency, Covid-19 struck which forced him to reflect on life. Subsequently, DAISUKE DTX arrived at the conclusion that music is his life. He left the agency and became an artist. His genius ability to compose addictive and catchy melodies utilising complex harmonic structures combined with his devilishly handsome looks and sweet velvet voice meant an instant record deal with a new and exciting independent label Cathrach. DAISUKE DTX’s debut single “Believe” was released in October 2020.
シンガーソングライター。音楽好きだった母親の影響で、80年代 - 90年代の「お洒落でカッコいい音楽」を聴きながら育つ。某国立大学卒業後、大手の広告代理店で5年間勤務。やり手の代理店マンとして出世街道まっしぐらだったが、コロナ禍で自分の人生を見つめ直し、「自分は自分のままでいて良いんだ」と気付き、両親の猛反対を押し切り、子供の頃からの夢「音楽」に人生を賭ける決心をする。幅広い音楽の趣味と知識に裏付けされた、キャッチーながら玄人をも唸らせる天才的作曲センスとグッド・ルッキンなマスク、そしてベルベッドのように甘いヴォーカルは、デビュー前より注目され、2020年10月にインディ・レーベルCathrachよりシングル”Believe”でデビュー。
All DAISUKE DTX’s tracks are available for streaming and download on:
iTunes, amazon music, deezer, SoundCloud, Tidal, Google Play Music, Claro-musica, eMusic, Napster, Nuuday, Anghami, Gracenote, Kanjian, Pandora, TikTok
A pessimist music label that dares to dream.
CATHRACH means [fortified] city in Old Irish - representing our commitment to protect artists’ rights and their artistic freedom at all cost.